შეამოწმე ცოდნის დონე


ცოდნის დონის განმსაზღვრელი ტესტი


ტესტში მოცემულია 100 შეკითხვა, რომელიც  მოიცავს შეკითხვებს A1 საწყისი დონიდან - B2 მაღალ დონემდე.  შეკითხვები ეტაპობრივად რთულდება და მისი გავლა ბოლომდე აუცილებელი არ არის. შეგიძლიათ ნებისმიერ დროს შეწყვიტოთ ტესტი. გისურვებთ წარმატებას!

ტესტის გასავლელად გთხოვთ გაიარეთ რეგისტრაცია.

1 / 100

I __________ at home on Saturday.

2 / 100

This road ______ by the government last year.

3 / 100

There __________  cheese on the table.

4 / 100

A: I feel worse today. B: You __________

5 / 100

Police arrested three people for ______  dollars.

6 / 100

 _______ violence is a growing problem in many families.

7 / 100

How did you feel yesterday?

8 / 100

I like __________ with my friends.

9 / 100

What’s Ann’s favorite place?

10 / 100

I __________ a new English course tomorrow.

11 / 100

We’ve got _________ butter in the fridge.

12 / 100

People ______  photos should have their subjects’ permission first.

13 / 100

 I absolutely love  ______

14 / 100

We met __________ 2005.

15 / 100

I get _____ at 10 o’clock and _____ breakfast.

16 / 100

The ______ of penicillin was an accident.

17 / 100

We had a great holiday. I ________ to come home.

18 / 100

She just got her driving _______

19 / 100

When I visit a new city, I usually go ______

20 / 100

The book  _____ I was reading, had a happy ending.

21 / 100

The murderer ______ yet.

22 / 100

 Will you _______ finish your work on time?

23 / 100

He wouldn’t survive if he _______ his medicine.

24 / 100

My foot got ___________ in a hole and I couldn’t get it out.

25 / 100

You have ______ for tennis.

26 / 100

Spanish is ____________ than English.

27 / 100

I booked a table yesterday, but I need to ______

28 / 100

I want to learn French _____ I will live in France next year.

29 / 100

The road ______ we wanted to take was closed.

30 / 100

I loved languages when I was at school, __________  I became an English teacher.

31 / 100

______ your headphones today? I’ve broken mine.

32 / 100

We saw James __________

33 / 100

 I’m afraid I _____ to help you.

34 / 100

 There are ______ and cons to listen to a live recording as opposed to a studio album.

35 / 100

Those people should _______ their own business.

36 / 100

 Because of the internet, ideas ______ quickly.

37 / 100

Don’t stand __________ the television, I can’ see!

38 / 100

________ does the ticket cost?

39 / 100

A third runway has been approved at the airport. What ______ for local residents over the next few years?

40 / 100

A: Where __________  In Malta? B: At the Carlton Hotel.

41 / 100

The product has been ______  by leading medical experts.

42 / 100

We don’t have any food, we need _____ some.

43 / 100

Contact lenses ______ eye care in the mid-twentieth century.

44 / 100

__________ a cash machine near here?

45 / 100

How old are you?

46 / 100

The theater is _____ restaurant.

47 / 100

They ______ married in December.

48 / 100

You dance ________

49 / 100

All articles _____ by our board of editors.

50 / 100

_______ invented a wheel?

51 / 100

He’s training to become ______

52 / 100

At school they ______  three hours homework a night.

53 / 100

I _____ here since 1998.

54 / 100

I exercise daily. I ______ do it.

55 / 100

Have you ever _____ a decision that changed your life?

56 / 100

______ buy the property we would need to charge a high rent.

57 / 100

 Have you ever __________  In a thermal spa?

58 / 100

A: Are you ready to order? B: Yes. ______ some chicken soup, please.

59 / 100

 I’ve ______ myself out of my house

60 / 100

I’m hopeless _______ languages.

61 / 100

He _______ to the cinema yesterday.

62 / 100

A: Tom Grady has got a temperature and he __________ Says his arms and legs hurt.  B: I’ll phone his mother. I think he’s got the flu.

63 / 100

I have an exam tomorrow, so I _____ study.

64 / 100

So ______ that no-one knows the answer, they’re just guessing?

65 / 100

While he was ____ he crashed into a tree.

66 / 100

 I don’t like working alone, I prefer working _______

67 / 100

What time ______ you get up?

68 / 100

______ unfair that wealthy people pay a smaller proportion of taxes than those with less money?

69 / 100

He _____________ home last week.

70 / 100

When I was young I  ______  I could do anything.

71 / 100

What day is today?

72 / 100

I _____ TV at the moment.

73 / 100

If you had seen her, what _________ ?

74 / 100

My __________  hurts.

75 / 100

_________  go to work by bus?

76 / 100

They ______ the house for an hour when it started raining.

77 / 100

Marina is ___________, she can speak Spanish and French fluently.

78 / 100

If you have a high temperature, you ____ visit a doctor.

79 / 100

Where are you from?

80 / 100

Jun and I ______ each other for ten years.

81 / 100

Can I help you? Thanks, I _________

82 / 100

For the last two hours _____ in the garden, so I’m tired.

83 / 100

When I came into the dining room, my family ______  dinner.

84 / 100

What time does the film start?

85 / 100

I don’t pack a lot of clothes,  I always travel ______

86 / 100

Look at this big, red _______

87 / 100

 I didn’t understand this text, so I need to _____ it.

88 / 100

What are you going to do for next weekend?

89 / 100

Jan __________ to Germany.

90 / 100

Some say that a guard dog is the best ______ to crime.

91 / 100

I _______ speak English, because I didn’t study well at school.

92 / 100

 He won’t play in the World Cup ______  completely fit.

93 / 100

We really depend _______ our sponsors.

94 / 100

You can watch movies at the ________

95 / 100

The whole feel of the website is very ______ and positive.

96 / 100

He’s amazing. He looks really ______

97 / 100

I ______ my car to work every day.

98 / 100

What are they wearing now?

99 / 100

I have to deal _______ a lot of problems every day.

100 / 100

What’s your job?


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